Catch the Wave

Catch the Wave OriginalA Self-Publishing Workshop

Information guides about how to jump into the self-publishing industry litter the internet. There is no shortage of information to assist newcomers in navigating the path to publication. Today, there are more routes leading to that final destination than have previously existed. Finding the best fit can be challenging. The information in this book is compiled from the resources I found most helpful. The contents are bolstered by the many people who offer their anecdotal experience on their websites and blogs. If you’re interested in self-publishing, take the workshop approach by building a team of people with common goals. Share your successes and failures. As writers we rely on each other to help us improve our work through critique groups, writing meet-ups, and mentoring from more experienced writers – the same idea works with self-publishing. Start networking. Get educated about the industry. Make friends and catch the wave.


A Note:

This booklet was produced as a handout for a series of self-publishing workshops I presented for a local writing community. It is by no means comprehensive. Consider the information in this book as your first steps toward figuring out if the self-pub route is the best one for you. The landscape changes rapidly and this is only a snapshot in time.