Writing is Therapy

Everyone needs an outlet, a way to decompress. Writing does that for me. Over the passing of many years now I’ve learned that putting words on paper helps me process ideas and events. I’m not big on journaling although I keep trying. It feels self-indulgent for me, like I’m trying to have an intellectual conversation with myself. Which is dumb. I talk to myself all the time, so it’s not like I’m too self-conscious. lol

As a kid I never wrote in a diary. I had them, the cute little locking kind. Instead of words, I filled them with random thoughts, doodles, and interesting scribbles. Today I guess it would be more of an art journal.

But writing provides stress reduction, an outlet for ideas and thoughts. Angst too.

Having a group of people who get your interest in writing is so important. Gathering together to write is fun and provides a social event where I barely have to be social – an excellent trade-off when you are a relatively non-social animal. A writing group is a valuable community to cultivate. Finding the right fit matters. I float in and out of several and each have strong points. One of them is such a good fit we’ve been writing together for a decade and a half. We’ve celebrated the successes and mourned the losses, published books, buried parents, and drank gallons of coffee.

No matter what does it for you, find your therapy process, cultivate a community, and put yourself out there. Be vulnerable with your thoughts. Share your ideas. And enjoy every moment of laughter and the groans too.

In the end, those moments matter far more that the stuff we accumulate.

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