I’ve Been Liebstered!

liebster awardBarbara McDowell, a fellow blogger, has awarded me the coveted Liebster Award!


She was kind enough to do some research (go writer!) and discovered the award originated in Germany and is intended to draw attention to bloggers working at building followers. Since I definitely fall into the under-200 crowd…my blog qualified! It feels just as good to be an underachiever as it does to be an overachiever. Life is all about balance, people.

Liebster is also an endearment which is sort of the equivalent of the big old society face-smack (mwah kiss). If you didn’t already click on Barbara McDowell’s link, do it now. I’ll wait. Oh look…here’s a picture of Johnny Depp I can ogle while you’re gone.

If this award were a bumpersticker, it would say:  

I R recognized.

As you can see, Barbara is a busy lady, and like her blog tagline says, she just can’t drive 55. Maybe it’s too much caffeine, but Barbara’s got pop culture and conspiracy theories to investigate, reality tv shows and crime dramas to watch, cats to snuggle, crochet to finish and chocolate to eat. In addition to all these things she finds time to listen to music, work on her novel, and even dance in the moonlight!

In order to continue the process, spread the love, and smack others with society kisses…the “rules” say the Liebster Award shall be passed along to five others. Fortunately I took Kristen Lamb’s Blog Building workshop over the summer and I met people, ones who blog. Hah! I’m not alone in cyberspace anymore and if you’re tired of floating through the nexus all by your onesies, check out Kristen’s uber useful advice. Over the last three months I’ve met some amazing bloggers. Every one of them have great stories to share, but since I’m limited to five – here they are:

Visit Megan’s blog, Through the Looking Glass, for information about her published novel, The Puzzle Keeper, and a running commentary on the variances between the supernatural woes of Sookie Stackhouse in HBO’s True Blood and the novels written by Charlaine Harris.

Visit Linda’s blog, Exploring the Universe, and learn all sorts of useful practical things about the business end of writing and the tax ramifications of turning your passion into a legitimate business.

Visit Kristal’s blog, Life Off the Leash, where you’ll discover some wicked humor and make a lot of snickery noises behind your hand. A native Floridian, she writes about supernatural beasties of all flavors and may even live with a few.

Visit Cheryel’s blog, Dragon Whisperer, for information about her published works, Shadows of Evil and Keepers of Legend. She also dispenses advice of dubious wisdom and teaches people to procrastinate like a pro – all while writing!

Visit Maria’s blog, First Draft Cafe, where you can drop-in, unwind and relax between drafts. Pretty cool since she lives in the UK! Visit to find out which she likes more: cake or books, and hear about rambling in the roaches….

For the awardees, here are the general rules:

1. Show thanks and link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
2. Notify your top five picks via blogpost, twitter, ESP, carrier pigeon, etc.

3. Post an award graphic on your blog (psst…see number one).

4. Go forth and Liebster Award others.


Please visit. Check out the winners and their websites, read their blogs, and most of all – enjoy!

  1. #1 by Angela Wallace on September 12, 2011 - 9:27 pm

    Congrats on the award! So many from our wana711 group deserve it. 🙂

  2. #2 by Cheryel Hutton on September 12, 2011 - 9:35 pm

    Wow, thank you. 🙂

  3. #3 by Tameri Etherton on September 13, 2011 - 2:16 am

    Oh, I'm so happy you got Liebstered! Congrats on this well deserved award!!Excellent choices, by the way. Congrats to them as well!

  4. #4 by Lesann Berry on September 13, 2011 - 2:34 am

    Thanks Angela! I agree – everyone in the group deserves an award. So many excellent blogs and a really great community of helpful people. It's made a big difference to me.

  5. #5 by Lesann Berry on September 13, 2011 - 2:36 am

    You're welcome Cheryel! No pressure….rules are meant to be ignored. 😉

  6. #6 by Lesann Berry on September 13, 2011 - 2:37 am

    Thanks Tameri! I love the support the wana711 group continues to give each other. It's so nice to have everybody's blogs to visit and know I'll find interesting, funny and touching stuff to read.

  7. #7 by kineticwriting/juliet on September 13, 2011 - 10:06 pm

    Hi there!You're very popular! I really enjoy your blog that's why I'm here to tell you I've chosen you for the Versatile Bloggers Award!If you choose to participate please go to my blog for details.http://kineticwriting.com/2011/09/13/versatile-blogger-award/Thanks for the inspiration!juliet :)p.s. We're in the Write Campaign together.p.s.s I understand if you don't want to participate but I had to pick your blog as one of my 15 because I liked it so much.

  8. #8 by Lesann Berry on September 14, 2011 - 5:53 am

    Hey Juliet…thanks for awarding my blog such a nice compliment! I appreciate the thoughtfulness and I love that you were inspired! The writecampaign has been SO much fun. Awesome!

  9. #9 by Barbara McDowell on September 18, 2011 - 3:35 pm

    Hi Lesann! Apologies for the comment delay. I read this days ago at work and giggled with glee on the shout out. Thanks! Then I got all caught up with the pic of Johnny Depp and failed to log my comment. He and Lenny Kravitz are love gods…but I digress. Kudos to your awardees as well – more great blogs.

  10. #10 by Lesann Berry on September 18, 2011 - 5:58 pm

    Hi Barbara! No worries, I get derailed by the love gods all the time. It's a good thing Lenny doesn't show up on billboards because I'd drive off in the ditch. I think the awards are fun and get me looking at other blogs! Thanks!

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