Remembering the Fallen

For me Veteran’s Day is a time of remembrance.

Regardless of my thoughts about military spending, mismanagement of authority, and the military interaction of various countries, I like to honor the men and women who feel compelled to step up for what they believe and represent.

That takes resolve and integrity.

I respect that and them – regardless of who they are and which side they’re on, because no one believes they’re the bad guys, fighting for the wrong side.

It’s the fallen soldiers I think about the most, the countless millions accrued over the millennia. The collective loss of humanity is overwhelming. We’ll never know what orators, musicians, writers, mothers and fathers, inventors, or geniuses we’ve lost.

I celebrate the living and I mourn the dead. All of them.

Tags: honoring the dead, soldiers, military cemetery, Veteran’s Day

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  1. #1 by Tameri Etherton on November 12, 2011 - 2:31 am

    Beautifully said, Lesann. It's overwhelming to think of all those people lost over the centuries. Thank you for honoring them today.

  2. #2 by Lesann Berry on November 12, 2011 - 4:45 pm

    Thanks for visiting, Tameri.

  3. #3 by Angela Orlowski-Peart on November 13, 2011 - 7:05 am

    We are blessed with all those amazing men and women who strive to protect our country and its citizens. I celebrate the living and I mourn the dead with you, Lesann.

  4. #4 by Lesann Berry on November 13, 2011 - 10:12 pm

    Thanks for visiting, Angela.

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