Posts Tagged writing craft

The Book List for Writers

A short while back I asked for recommendations on books about the craft of writing. Well the ideas poured in and I thought I’d share the results. I compiled all the suggestions, and almost every one of these authors had more than a single stamp of approval. If you’re like me and have been looking for new content to peruse, maybe you’ll find something helpful.

In case any sensitive types are skulking about, the list is in alphabetical order so no one gets their feelbads hurt.

Plot and Structure
James Scott Bell
Story Engineering
Larry Brooks
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Renni Browne and Dave King
Character and Viewpoints
Orson Scott Card
Goal, Motivation and Conflict
Debra Dixon
How to Write a Damn Good Novel
James Frey
Write Away
Elizabeth George
Writing and Selling the YA Novel
KL Going
Writing Down the Bones
Natalie Goldberg
Get Known Before the Book Deal
Christina Katz
On Writing
Stephen King
Bird by Bird
Ann Lamott
Writing Magic
Gail Carson Levine
Writing the Breakout Novel
Donald Maas
The Novel Writer’s Toolkit
Bob Mayer
Word painting
Rebecca McClanahan
Playwriting and the Structure of Action
Sam Smiley
Save the Cat
Blake Snyder
First Draft in 30 Days
Karen Wiesner
Will Write for Shoes
Kathy Yardley
On Writing Well
William Zisner

Thanks to everyone who played along and helped me compile this great list of writing know-how. I’ve got some reading to do! But since this collection is obviously not definitive, feel free to add a comment if you’ve discovered something new, remembered a gem you forgot, maybe have a caveat to add to the clamor, or found something shiny-shiny to share.
